2015年前沿科技国际孵化器引进北京经济技术开发区的项目P1: 第十届中国北京国际文化创意产业博览会,在动漫游戏产业发展国际论坛开幕式上,约翰休斯(北京)视觉特效科技公司应邀作了视觉特效讲演。
Tau Films, John Hughes VFX Science, John Hughes Institute. Live Art, Love Science, Learn Craft (生活于艺术,热衷于科学,熟知其技艺)
Frontier Technologies International Development (FTC Incubator) portfolio P1 entering Beijing Economic-technological Development Area (BDA): 10th China Beijing International Culture & Creation Industrial Exposition / Animation, Comic and Games Industrial Development International Forum. Invited opening panel presentation by John Hughes VFS Science, Ltd. (JH-VFX).
Through Walt’s speech, JHI, Tau and JH-VFX made important points about JHI’s team differentiation in high public: (1) a hundreds man-years and thousands computer-years bulk of work to finish in 2 years is not a trivial delivery, and (2) setting no VFX limit for directors’s imagination is a fundamental fulfilment.
约翰休斯视觉特效科技公司从美国洛杉矶好莱坞进入中国北京亦庄:What JH-VFX shall Do in China?
- 约翰休斯学院:与中国主流院校联合办学、传授国际领先视觉特效技艺,长线创建进入学制的现代视觉特效课程。John Hughes Academy: Partner with major media universities in China, train professionals with art and techniques to international standards, long-term to build modern VFX content into China college curriculum.
- 电影制作:视觉特效集中的中国文化主题电影,进入中国网络视频行业推动的强强联合阵容,亦庄创作,中国市场,全球发行电影。Making films for China: China cultural content, VFX-intense, join strong partners of China film and network industries, contribute Hollywood team talents and technology. E-town and Hollywood production, China and world mainstream film marketing.
- 视觉特效科技:传授视觉特效算法和云科学计算;在中国建设数百人年、上万计算机年的大团队电影创作能力。VFX Technologies: Localize proprietary technologies to China; Build powerful team capacity in China (hundreds of man-years and ten-thousand computer years in a few months for one film).