2023.3.1 JHI & BON IO added MTM’s new courses & Production Facilities

Visionary Education Technology Group is adopting curriculums by John Hughes Institute and BON IO Distribution’s, to build out an organic ecosystem of its fusion: of education and production. As traditional trade schools are combining industrial environment with education, we put a digital film and vision production facility right onto the campus.

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2022.10.4: NGB: Song Rhythm On The Lake 《宋韵钱湖》

Ningbo: Song Rhythm On The Lake


Where we started was in one of many ancient towns (tourist attractions) in China, only takes 1 million tourists a year in this one, most of whom are locals in the Ningbo Vicinity. Hanling Ancient Town was in a 45 minutes local drive distance from the urban center, cross Dongqian Lake. It belonged the city’s three central central districts.
Song Rhythm On The Lake, a themed projection mapping show at front squire of a Hanling Ancient Town

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InSyst Studios 工业化虚拟影视拍摄公司 (Formerly StudioX)

约翰.休斯在宁波出席签约了约翰休斯(宁波)视觉科技有限公司与象山中桥影视文化有限公司合资创建工业化虚拟拍摄公司(InSyst Studios)的意向书。这个项目,工业化虚拟拍摄公司的一个选项,建议落地在象山中桥影视文化有限公司在象山影视城外围的拍摄设施园区中。因为疫情延期了,但是新数字影棚的设计和预算已经完成,标的在2023年融资建成,开始调试和实验,2023年底每季10集的美剧《红色达尔文》剧组将进场。持续3年。新设施包括沉浸式环屏背景显示和拍摄伺服体系,采用工业标准化的体量(75英尺直径、20英尺高、270度的LED数字虚拟背景环屏和圆顶的辅屏)。最近加入约翰.休斯集群的国际专才:国际发行总裁,精通亚裔环球影视经纪的罗斯芒德.普渡;视觉特效现场总监乔.海尼克,奥斯卡最佳视觉特效获奖人和最近虚拟制作专家;场景引擎伺服和虚拟背景制作人让.迈尔;虚拟主题体验制作人,多媒体混合现实制作专才唐.迈克本。

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