2023.3.14 SONY Virtual Production 《索尼黑科技刷新虚拟制作标准》

影视工业网: 《索尼黑科技刷新虚拟制作标准》:解放,解放,解放,重要的事情说三遍如果说“工业化”是中国影视行业未来发展的方向,那么虚拟制片很可能就是通向工业化的重要道路,甚至让中国电影工业“弯道超车”。

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2023.3.1 JHI & BON IO added MTM’s new courses & Production Facilities

Visionary Education Technology Group is adopting curriculums by John Hughes Institute and BON IO Distribution’s, to build out an organic ecosystem of its fusion: of education and production. As traditional trade schools are combining industrial environment with education, we put a digital film and vision production facility right onto the campus.

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